High Heel Shoes
With High Heel Shoes putting women at higher risk of acute and Chronic Problems.
With the increasing fashion of high heels shortening of the Achilles tendon, heel pain, pain in the balls of the feet, bunions, calluses, soft corns between the toes, fractures, and sprains have also become quite common.
Podiatrist and spokesperson for Australian Podiatry Association (NSW), Brenden Brown said that wearing stiletto heels brings a raft of acute and chronic problems.
In the Daily Telegraph Brown Quoted as"Out of 10 people you would see six or seven needing something due to the fact they have worn a high heel at some stage,"
"We are seeing more traumatic injuries with things like fractures, sprains of ligaments in the ankles," Brown added.
According to Dr Simon Floreani, spokesperson, Chiropractors' Association of Australia, high heels are also responsible for lower back problems.
"When you are in high heels it throws your posture forward, like you are standing on your tippy toes, so in order to stand up straight you have to over extend the lower back.Floreani further added that "If any woman has had more than a decade of wearing constant high heels, she will have arthritic changes, he stated
Addiction to heels also gives rise to neck problems.
"When you arch the lower back you usually stoop and roll the shoulders and crane the neck. It's like if the foundations of a house get shifted, the roof and the walls and everything else compensates," he said.
Dr Floreani further suggested whether it's platforms or stilettos, it is wiser to use silicon inserts to cushion the impact on the joints in the feet.
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